What Do You Do? (a wedding guest laments)
You’re told when you love something, when you devote yourself wholly,
this thing will remain with you - even if not in the way you expect
Deep breath, remember your rehearsal, hit your mark, keep your rhythm
Lights, curtain, table assignment
What do you do?
I dance
I love it
I love it I love to do it
Anything you know? Well, what do you know?
At the precipice of an answer you realize
Success fits gently between the eras of explanation
Well I’m 22, I’m on my way
Well I’m 27, I’m almost there
Well I’m 31
Through the years i’ve released any story that invites the question
Why did you stop?
Major injuries? Actually none - but I am flexible. I mean I really am.
Wanna see?
You can still make it happen at any age
Thank you for saying that
Everything is different now
“At The Vanishing Point” (still) makes me cry. First passage.
Have you read it?
You should read it you would love it
I love it I love to do it I loved to do it
“Hm? Sorry, toasts are starting”