Tiny Tim Swallows the Sun

Tiny Tim Swallows the Sun

A hill, somewhere beautiful and remote

Green grass, flowers

A gentle breeze

In the distance, a body of water

TINY TIM, the musician not the Dickens character, stands at the top of the hill, smiling, ukulele in hand

He is about to play when he is distracted by something falling from the sky

The sun, the Actual Sun, is descending from above

And as the sun is descending, it is also transforming

First, it becomes a big yellow balloon, and then a lemon, and then a lemon drop candy

TINY TIM reaches out a hand and catches the candy in his open palm, examines it

He puts the candy in his mouth, sucks for a bit, then swallows it whole

He is about to play again when his feet lift off the ground

He lets the ukulele go and it drifts away from him

He looks to the sky as he ascends up, up, up, and out of view
