Steeled Hearts

Steeled Hearts
Steeled Hearts
A Game of High Octane, Mecha Driven, Tactical Romance

Dating is hard, but its even harder when you're under sustained heavy-fire from your crush's dominant air support.

	. . .  B E G I N . . . 
Choose a Match-Maker. Everyone else is a Pilot/Lover.

	The bog standard for the conscripted masses worshipping at the grinding wheel of yearning.
	They fill the cockpits of 80-ton war machines known Avatars 

	A P/L's success behind the joystick depends on having the right stuff in their profile.
	Every P/L has to distribute the following numbers,

	-15,000, 0, 0.5f, 15,000, 15,000

		-- B I G G E R -- is *always* better

		Financial Stability
		That Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi
	In our Avis, we are our best selves.

	Our Avis balance out our short-comings.

	They emphasize our strengths.

	Choose one ASPECT	
		Give it a + 15,000.
				out loud, 
				to whoever is around, 
			the way your Avi brings out the best in you.
				(and hides the worst)

The Game

	To start, Each Pilot/Lover
		out loud
			to whoever is nearby
	What it is about their crush that makes them worth taking to the heat of the cockpit.
		And the MM prepares a dossier

	During the Mission...
	When a P/L does something risky, in love or in life and limb, the Match-Maker can ask for a Verification.
	The MM and the P/L decide together which aspect of the P/L's Profile is being Checked.

	The MM then sets the difficulty of the act, on an evenly distributed scale of 0-65,535. 

	The P/L then initializes a new 16-bit unsigned int, 
		with each bit's initial value decided by
			sampling any perfectly uniform distribution
				and mapping the outputs of that distribution 
					equally to the digits 1 and 0.
	The P/L then takes the value of the agreed upon Profile aspect,
		and applies addition between binary representations of
					the output from the prior step

	Cast the resulting value back to an unsigned 16-bit int

	SuccessFailureIndicator = (bool) (Val > Difficulty)
	return SuccessFailureIndicator

	IMPORTANT - If the action succeeds or fails as a result of integer overflow, the result is a 
		C R I T [Success || Failure] 
			On Crit Success
				The value of the int of the P/L's next verification
					is normalized over the range of 0 - 65,535
						just after the Profile Aspect is applied
							just prior to the 16-bit cast
			On Crit Fail
				The value of the int of the P/L's next verification
					is Cast to a signed 16-bit int	
						instead of unsigned
							Just prior to the difficulty comparison
To Prepare a Dossier, roll on the following tables

(Tip: If a d6 is not available, simply generate a 16-bit unsigned binary int, as with a Verification,
	and bit shift it >> by 13. 
		Regenerate if Val == 0000000000000111 || 0000000000000000
			then cast back to unsigned int)

Mission Location Table
The mission takes place in a combination...
Roll 2d6 to determine the mission's location:

 ___d6___	 /    		___d6___

Dance-Bar			Ammunitions Depot
Cozy Coffee Shop		Beached Warship
Rooftop Garden			Ancient Battlefield
Karaoke Bar			Tech Graveyard
Suburban Mall			Orbiting Satelite
Art Museum			Military Command Center


Crush Complication Table
Your crush is into you too, but...
Roll 2d6 to determine the complications.

They ___d6___, 			and they ___d6___

Just got out of a thing		Have an armor-piercing sniper positioned on the ridge
Aren't ready for something	Have anti-air emplacements which prevent your dropships from closing
Are really busy with work	Had their crew establish a sensor lock and jam COMs
Are just super shy		Have you and your crew caught in a flank
Don't think their 		Are presently engaged in an active combat situation with their rival
	parents will approve	
Genuinely enjoy playing coy	Have an established bounty on their head in over 12 sectors.


Mission Goal
Your mission is to...
Roll a d6
Find the perfect moment to ask for the decryption key to their long-range COMs channel.
Defeat your crush's hovering ex and their crew in Honorable Combat after discovering they've been distributing faulty intel on your crew
Survive a series of death defying romantic and piloting challenges engineered by your crush's crew
Keep a group of raiding Mercs and Pirates from ruining your date
Balance a date with your crush with the retrieval of a coveted military prototype that's been identified in the area
Stop your crazy ex from detonating a thermo nuclear warhead that's been disguised to be innocuous and rigged to explode