Editor's Note 12/24
Eat More Art
When Spanish artist Francisco Goya painted his now infamous depiction of Saturn devouring his son, he did so directly onto his dining room wall.
Wild choice, Goya.
Sometimes, as a consumer of art, I feel like a guest in Goya’s dining room—snacky but unsettled and acutely aware of my relationship to the thing being consumed and the eccentricities of the cook.
It’s the right kind of hunger. And you too, dear reader, are invited to dine.
We have a spread of six new works up on the site this month, for all tastes and dietary preferences, none of them containing peanuts. Savor them, or binge them ravenously and unselfconsciously, it doesn’t matter—like the Giant Omelette in Neopets, art never runs out.
Martin Thompson
Founding Editor